Lighting Notes
The following notes were the draft lighting cues that I prepared in order to be helpful to the lighting man, Paul, who facilitated us by getting involved quite close to the end and when our original lighting designer was unable to be involved. He was aided in the preparation and operating by Corey.
In the normal course of a production, it would be the lighting designer who would prepare this document.
Paul prepared his notes on his script rather than adapting the method below. In doing so, he and I spent approximately twenty hours together designing the lighting plan, clarifying the action of the play and them with Corey and sometimes Niamh, running through the cues.
He would have preferred to be watching the rehearsals for a longer period of time, to become familiar with the play sooner.
There is a good selection of theatre lights in the Parish Hall in Schull, purchased over many years by Schull Drama Group. We were really fortunate to have a bank of approximately 60 lights from which to work.
The hall itself is tricky from a lighting perspective, in that the stage has a proscenium arch style and is very low for lighting purposes. Just another consideration in the planning of the overall design and the lighting.